Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: February 1, 2025 - Last updated: February 1, 2025


Author: Hêmille Perdigão

Title: Para cada silêncio traumático, a poesia de uma canção

Subtitle: As Performances da canção Moon River nos filmes de Almodóvar e Blake Edwards

Translation: For Each Traumatic Silence, the Poetry of a Song: The Peformance of the Song Moon River in films of Almodóvar and Blake Edward

Journal: Muiraquitã: Revista de Letras e Humanidaded (Muiraquitã: Journal of Letters and Humanity)

Volume: 12

Issue: 2: Dossiê Museus Universitários: perspectivas empíricas, linguagens e humanidades (Dossier University Museums: Empirical Perspectives, Languages and Humanities)

Year: July-December 2024 (Received: April 10, 2024, Accepted: November 19, 2024)

Pages: 213-237

eISSN: 2525-5924 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: Spanish

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century, 21st Century | European History: Spanish History | Cass: Real Incidents / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases; Types: Child sexual abuse; Representations: Films / La mala educación


Link: Publicações Eletrônicas da Universidade Federal do Acre (Free Access)


Author:, ORCID

Abstract: »In the film La mala educación (2004), by Pedro Almodóvar, one important character is the film director Enrique Goded. In the beginning of the plot, he reads the novel La Visita, written by his childhood friend Ignácio, with the intention of making a cinematographic adaptation. While Goded reads, the scenes from his future film appear. In this preview, there is a performance of the song Moon River, composed by Mancini and Mercer, as an adaptation of the scene of the sexual abuse suffered by Ignácio. The song was originally performed in the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), by Blake Edwards, and reappears in the Spanish movie with modifications in the letter. With four versions of the song – which are: the version in English and the one in Spanish out of the movie, the version performed in Almodóvar’s movie and in Edwards’s movie – the objectives of this text are: 1) to analyse how the song replaces the role playing of the rape and 2) to analyse how the performances of the song in the two films bring different meanings among them and also a different meaning compared to a performance out of a movie scene. The methodology used was analysing the songs’ letter; at first separately and then in comparison to the cinematographic images. In order to do that, the concepts of song by Luiz Tatit and Evandro Botti de Cerqueira, the concepts of performance by Ruth Finegan and also the association among poetry and image by Coleridge, Shelley and I.A. Richards were used.« (Source: Muiraquitã)

  Rsumo (p. 213)
  Abstract (p. 213)
  Introdução (p. 214)
  Innervisions (p. 216)
  Moon River, o amado (p. 222)
  El río de la luna, o turvo (p. 227)
  El río de la luna e the moon river (p. 234)
  Considerações Finais (p. 235)
  Referências (p. 237)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of Spain | Catholic Church: Catholic Church in Spain / Catholic Church sexual abuse cases | Film: Pedro Almodóvar / Bad Education (2004 film) | Sex and the law: Child sexual abuse / Child sexual abuse in Spain